How to Decorate a Vase with Hot Glue


How to Decorate a Vase with Hot Glue

   Ready for a super quick craft? Ok.. all you need is a glass vase/jar/cup/wine bottle, a hot glue gun and a can of spray paint. Ready set GO!
     Well it might actually take you a few minutes to decide what pattern you will make on the vase with the glue, that is the only difficult part of this tutorial. I had a left over glass vase from the Dollar store and couldn't quite decide what to do with it. Here is a simple fix. These would also we great gift, as they can be easily personalized and only cost you a few dollars.
   Enjoy!!! Thanks for stopping by!

Basic run through:
-Clean your vase.
-If desired draw on the vase, a simple pattern or words work best. I just free gunned it.
-Set your glue gun on medium or low and have plenty of back up sticks.
-Slowly follow you pattern. Don't worry if you mess up, when the hot glue dries you can simply peel it off (yeaaaaa!!!)
-Let the glue set
-Take outside to a ventilated area and apply two to three coats on the outside of the vase with spray paint. I used a metallic paint and let it dry about 5 minutes between each coat to avoid drips.
-Let the paint set for a few hours
-Set upon a shelf to admire or gather a handful of flowers and give to your mother or do what ever you like with it :)
How to Decorate a Vase with Hot Glue Reviewed by trapatouni on 3:49 AM Rating: 5

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