DIY - Christmas recipes: Sponge cake “Christmas Tree”
Christmas recipes: Sponge cake “Christmas Tree”
Sponge cake “Christmas Tree”
Christmas trees have turned out so real and inviting that my overgrown boys, just like small children, and began to ask when it will be possible to try. There was also brewed tea and Christmas trees quickly disappeared from the dish. But before the New Year and Christmas there is still time to bake Christmas trees such gifts.
At 6 cakes:
For the cake:
3 eggs
pinch of salt
75 g sugar
100g ground almonds
25 g flour
25 g of starch
For decoration:
100 White Chocolate
100 grams of pistachios
For the icing (snow tops):
3 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
Powdered sugar for snow
1. Baking these biscuits need Pekarska paper.
On paper, draw a circle 20 cm in diameter, cut them, cut up the middle, fold and secure kulechki clips.
2. Paper put upright
3. Now you can take the test.
Proteins are separated from the yolks. Protein shake up with a pinch of salt until a stable foam, continue to beat adding sugar.
Then add the yolks.
4. Mix the ground almonds with the flour and starch. Gently stir flour mixture into the egg mass.
5. Dough filled with pastry bag and fill it from paper bags.
6. Bake in a preheated 180 ° C oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
7. Pistachios are detailed. Melt white chocolate in a water bath.
Cooled cakes release from the paper carefully with a sharp knife, if necessary, trim the bottom evenly.
8. Sponge brush coat with a thin layer of chocolate and roll in crushed pistachios.
9. Red dots-balls (any jam) can be applied using a conventional medical syringe without a needle.
10. Powdered sugar mixed with lemon juice and a teaspoon of frosting on top watering trees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar all.
11. Our twice-baked gifts ready. Keep them can be nearly two weeks in a tightly stoppered container.
DIY - Christmas recipes: Sponge cake “Christmas Tree”
Reviewed by trapatouni
2:03 AM